Better with Vibes: Robin C.
We're often told that Vibes change the game for people. Whether they're being used for live music, fitness classes, work or just to make the day-to-day more comfortable, our hi-fidelity earplugs serve folks of all walks of life, wherever their day takes them. Improving lives is pretty powerful, which is why we decided to start sharing these stories with you. Together, let's learn about how life is #BetterWithVibes.
Meet Robin.
Robin showing us how she rocks Vibes
"I sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury several years ago in a car accident and struggled greatly with severe noise sensitivity in addition to many other complications of my TBI. After withdrawing from the noisy world and many previously enjoyable activities of life, I happened to see an episode on Shark Tank where Vibes were being shown. My husband immediately ordered a pair for me. I cannot thank you enough for creating these earplugs as they allow me to once again take part in activities that I would have previously not been able to tolerate. I had tried the typical over the counter earplugs, but found them to be unsightly, bulky and ineffective. I even went to an audiologist for a pair of custom earplugs. They unfortunately blocked out so much noise that it was impossible to hear any conversation. Having discovered Vibes has been a lifesaver! They reduce the decibel level to a comfortable level so that I can understand conversations and yet still block out a lot of background noise! I especially like the clear plastic stems which are fairly invisible in my ears. I have shown them and told countless TBI and other friends these amazing devices. Thank you again for allowing enjoyment back into my challenging life, and for being such a wonderful company to deal with!"
— Robin C.