"Chinese Fountain" by THE GROWLERS — Vibes

"Chinese Fountain" by THE GROWLERS

Longing for the old days
Life in the modern world can be exhausting to those who can’t get themselves to buy into the current trends and long for the days of old, where everything seemed simpler, more pure. “Chinese Fountain” by Orange County psychedelic garage rock outfit The Growlers perfectly captures the resentful attitude towards our present cultural moment that many of us feel on a day to day basis, unable to grasp the reality of what has become of society, unable to let go of the past, stuck between two worlds. The sound of the entire band, which has been labeled as “beach goth,” sounds like a fusion of The Doors and The Strokes, but it is especially striking how much lead singer Brooks Nielsen sounds, both in vocal style and lyrical content, like a mixture of Jim Morrison and Julian Casablancas.  
“Chinese Fountain” is layered in such a way that none of the instruments seem to be leading or in the background: the spacey synths, simple two-piece drum kit patterns, surprisingly intricate basslines, and chipper electric guitar strums are all seemingly on the same level, working together with Nielsen’s lo-fi vocals to paint the picture of the jaded attitude of a crew of road-weary travelers, fed up with the way things are, longing for a world where things are the way they should be. The pain and conflict in “Chinese Fountain” is palpable; it conveys Nielsen’s confidence of the validity of and truth in his dystopian world-view, but also his knowledge of the fact that he’s stuck in a world that will not change, at least not in the way he wants it to.